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Government Of Assam Home & Political State Police Accountabilty Commission

Rights of the Complainant

A complainant has the following rights to lodge a complaint relating to any “misconduct” on the part of police personnel with either the departmental police authorities or with the Commission or the District Accountability Authority on the following grounds:

1. No complaint shall be entertained by the Commission or the District Authority if the subject matter of the complaint is being examined by any other Commission or any Court.

2. In cases where a complainant had lodged a complaint with the police authorities, he may inform the Commission or the District Accountability Authority at any stage of the departmental inquiry about any undue delay in the processing of the inquiry.

3. The complainant shall have a right to be informed of the progress of the inquiry from time to time by the inquiring authority (the concerned police authority, Commission or the District Accountability Authority). Upon completion of the inquiry or departmental proceedings, the complainant shall be informed of the conclusions of the same as well as the final action in the case at the earliest.

4. The complainant may attend all hearings in an inquiry concerning his case. The complainant shall be informed of the date and place of each hearing.

(5) All hearings shall be conducted in a language intelligible to the complainant. In a case where hearings cannot be conducted in such a language, the services of an interpreter shall be requisitioned if the complainant so desires.

(6) Whereupon the completion of the departmental inquiry, the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of the inquiry on the grounds that the said inquiry violated the principles of natural justice, he may approach the Commission or the Authority for appropriate directions.